Fighting for my rights AGAIN!!!! to Birth at home!

So here I am , 6 years later, pregnant again….

This time, this is my fourth pregnancy - birthing second time.

If you read my journey about home birth and fighting for my rights to birth at home with my daughter you would think this time this would be easy! right? I birthed my daughter at home with no complications ( you can read my story here)

Usually for second birth things are easier if your first birth was good, so here I am - thinking GREAT! another lovely home birth.

My only concern during this pregnancy was the first trimester, during my second pregnancy I has Partial Molar Pregnancy - this is where there’s baby as well as cancer cells in the uterus, the fetus is not formed correctly, usually the miscarriage happens very early - first 6 weeks of pregnancy however mine lasted till week 12. At week 12 scan the baby had no heart beat and I had to have a DnC , and blood tests weekly for 6 months. After 6 months I was cleared to try fall pregnant again. The whole experience was awful and traumatic. I started having fears I’ve never had before, this was a great lesson to understand other women who go through similar experiences

My second miscarriage happened very early on, I didn’t even had the chance to go for an ultrasound.

and so comes my fourth Pregnancy right after my second miscarriage , every test and every scan scan was accompanied by fear and nerves, followed by relief when everything was fine….

After Completing the Harmony test and all the scans, passing this vulnerable stage - I could finally relax!

I was “classified” as LOW RISK, the morning sickness started easing off and I started being really happy and excited about this pregnancy !

When we found we having a boy - we were overfilled with joy and excitement.

My daughter is 6 years old by now and having a little baby brother would be so perfect for her.

I told the GP my plan of birthing in water at home- as my first birth, using Community midwifery program again. ( Free service - how wonderful ! )

I signed up to CMP - had my first meeting with the midwife - it felt so right! The midwife was lovely and positive , we discussed all my fears and concerns and when she left - I knew this was the best way to bring our baby boy into this world!

Feeling on top of the world, I was smiling and feeling pure joy inside my heart.

about 4 weeks later the midwife calls with “bad news”. She has spoken to her supervisor and because my partial molar pregnancy was less than 12 months ago ( it was 11 months ago!!!!) I am not allowed to birth at home due to national guidelines.

She also rang the birthing centre - they wouldn’t accept me either. I was devastated.

I loved having a water birth at home, I felt safe , undisturbed , I could take my time, move around, i wasn’t rushed , placed on the clock , I had lots of love and support around me. Even though my birth was really long, I managed to get through it with the right support and environment.

My husband and I spoke immediately about hiring a private midwife, however being in the middle of renovations and having so many expenses we just couldn’t afford it.

I voiced that I would like to go to Fiona Stanley - as they have a birthing pool and this is my best chance of birthing in water again . A lovely midwife I saw helped me get in.

Apparently, since last time I birthed, a woman has no choice at what hospital she gives birth at . if your post code is in Rockingham jurisdiction then you only allowed to go there.

However Rockingham does not offer water birth! I was shocked to discover that womens rights to birth how they want , where they want is even more restricted than what they used to be!!!

I my due date approached and I spoke to friends and other women, I was given a name of a lovely local private midwife who not only delivers at home but also offers pre natal and post natal massages.

I couldnt afford her midwifery service and I started her massages …. they were full of energy, they more i did the more I felt connected to baby. I started having dreams about my birth…

I kept having the same dream about birthing at home in the shower. it was so natural and beautiful and quick!!!

Through talking to other women , suddenly i started hearing about the term “free birth” - this is where a woman, a mother , gives birth unassisted, by herself. I started meeting women who have done this…. First I thought they were crazy!

A birth with no help ? no midwife? no health professional ? yet they felt so connected to their bodies and babies- they had positive stories and amazing sense of empowerment.

they also like me, had no choice, no money for a a private midwife, and hospital was no option for them.

I found their stores powerful and inspiring, yet I still don’t think I had the courage to do that.

My husband and I , went to check out Fiona Stanley Hospital Birth suite. The bath was AMAZING - like a huge pool where you can dim lights. and rooms where ok, very spacious but still had that medical feel, and far from the home atmosphere I was after.

We decided to go ahead with the hospital booking- but to spend most of the active labour at home, and then who know what will happen ?!

I will write my birth story when it happens ! stay tuned! only 6 weeks to go!


Personal Recommendations:

  • Pregnancy friendly Yoga Class

Wednesdays 5:30pm - Move & Relax Book here

  • Favourite book : Active Birth - Janet Balaskaz