When I first started Yoga, I didn’t realise the huge impact it will have on body, mind and life in general.
I was visiting the chiro 3 times a week, and really just getting by.
I just started my dentistry job, my posture was getting worse every day. I was in my twenties, I recognised the deteriation instantly. At that time I didn’t know that Yoga is going to be my solution. I continued my chiro appointments. She did mention that I can come less and less because my spine is looking really good. She even asked me what type of yoga exactly am I doing because she didn’t receive those benefits from the style she was practicing. I told her all about Therapy yoga, she was very excited.
After about 3 years or regular practice (3 times a week - daily) I stopped my appointments because I felt I can manage my spinal issued myself, with Therapy Yoga.
I knew what stretches to do if I get pain, I felt in control. As well as implementing turmeric into my daily routine.
While back pain is exceedingly common, it is equally challenging to diagnose, since there is no established guideline or protocol to evaluate this problem. Besides, the typical setting of a 15-minute doctor’s visit is usually not enough to explain, understand, and evaluate everything that’s going on in your achy back.
Low back injuries often restrict movement and lead to the weakening of low back muscles.
I have met so many people that resort to surgery , before trying this amazing Yoga therapy method, only to find out that they are still in pain after surgery.
If you have a similar problem here are my top 3 postures that can relieve your back pain.
We do these poses in every class for warm up and cool down of every practice.
I recommend to do these simple postures daily - allocating only 10 mins of your day for this wonderful stretch. Watch a free 10min Video on easy stretches you can do at home.
Watch Video Below ….
Rita McCabe
One Knee to chest / swap and repeat 6 times
Both knees to chest / rock side to side- hold for 10 breaths
Gentle twist - feel on the floor, arms shoulder Hight
15 mins to release lower back tension or sensetivity